Keep your eyes in the best of health with regular examinations.
An eye examination isn't just about checking your eyesight and deciding whether you need glasses or contact lenses. At The Eye Galleria we fully investigate the overall health of your eyes and now offer OCT Retina Scan to image the very back of your eye, allowing us to study your eyes in incredible detail from the top surface of your retina down to the underlying surfaces, not visible to us by other means. Enabling us to carry out a more advanced and detailed eye examination.
Your eye examination will usually last up to 45 minutes, but there's no such thing as a typical appointment. We shape our investigations depending on you and your needs, ensuring your concerns are identified, fully investigated and causes and solutions explained to you.
Of course, there are now many investigations, like Intraocular pressure measurements and peripheral visual field checking which we consider to be part of a routine examination, so even if you are not experiencing any difficulties, your appointment will be a thorough one.
Checking how well you can see remains an important part of our work. If your vision could be improved with glasses or contact lenses we'll discuss your options and what might work best for you. The recommendations we give you will take into account factors such as your working environment, lifestyle and any leisure activities you have.
We have invested in state of the art equipment to ensure we can offer the very best service and examination. This is why we highly recommend the OCT scan for all patients. It allows an unrivalled view of the inside of your eyes which means we can view areas of your eyes that are simply not possible to view otherwise. Early detection of eye disease is a key part of preventing irreversible damage to your vision.
It is recommended that anyone aged between 16 and 69 has an eye examination at least every two years. However following your examination, we will always advise you when you should be next tested. This may be sooner if you're younger, older or have a history of serious eye disease(s) in your family.
Private Eye Examination - £45.00
Recommended Advanced Private Eye Examination - £85.00 (includes OCT & Fundus Photography)
Standard NHS Eye Examination - FREE
Recommended Advanced NHS Eye Examination - £40.00 (includes OCT & Fundus Photography)